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Banbury Mosque Provides Arts and Craft Packs for Primary School Children

Banbury Mosque Provides Arts and Craft Packs for Primary School Children

Volunteers with the Banbury Mosque in partnership with Cherwell District Council and Tudor Hall School have provided activity packs to primary school children in the community.

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Pupils from St Leonard’s Primary School and Dashwood School in Grimsbury received the activity packs, which included pens, paper, paints, paint brushes, scissors, glue, Ramadhan packs, scrapbooks. A total of 100 family activity packs were given out.

A spokesperson for the Banbury Mosque said: “We have a handful of boxes left to give out to those who have reduced income due to furlough.”

Volunteers from the Banbury Mosque, including its chairman (far right) Abu Hassan Hanif.

Volunteers with the Banbury Mosque and the community fridge have already delivered more than 1,500 isolation food packs to vulnerable people in the community during the coronavirus pandemic.

Organisers of the service from the Banbury Mosque have been arranging food and isolation pack deliveries for people in self-isolation who are vulnerable and or over the age of 65. The self-isolation kits include rice, pasta, soup, a drink, bread and fish tins. More than 40 volunteers have been helping in the efforts to provide for the community.

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